Use a world class all-in-one cloud accounting software to handle your accounting, billing, inventory, production and payroll in Australia
Financial statements are interpreted and presented in an easy to understand dashboard to the boss. Anytime, Anywhere.
It's not just simple for staff to use, the accountant's module makes it possible for complex and power users to perform their needed functions.
With unlimited users, you only pay a fixed price per company. It's no wonder that more than 1,000 companies are already using Beacon.
Take a guided tour of our system and see the how Beacon works effortlessly
If you're looking to go digital, paperless and go cloud, start your free trial today.
Our intelligent algorithm takes away all the stress
Our ever-learning intelligent bot will support your every need and if you're still unable to get what you want, it will intelligently route to a human for answers.
All users are able to login concurrently and collaborate smoothly. Being efficient and getting things done is priority in your business.
Automated backups will put you at ease of mind on the hard disk crash / virus attacks / recoveries. You'll also save on your IT maintenance.
All In One System You Will Ever Need
Full set accounting. Automated double entries and journal entries
Integrated inventory. Keep track of sale and cost price including quantity.
Professional looking invoice format. Automated entries with approval function
Automated payroll calculation with digital payslip. It even post the payroll journals to accounting ledgers too.
Keep track of your workflow and production jobs. Global summary view with configurable work stations
Apply and approve leave application electronically. No more paper submissions and approvals
Submit claims digitally and paperless. Automatic posting of claims into expense accounts upon approval
Track purchases and update quantity to inventory upon approval.
Track expenses and generate profit and loss automatically. Comes with multi month analysis too
Join our amazing community of businesses already on the cloud
Get started today for free
Our support is driven by an AI Chatbot that's been trained to handle most if not all of the common questions we have been asked before and it will continue to learn even more!
Despite a powerful system with so many features, our pricing remain competitive. One of the key decision factor when picking a cloud accounting software is the support (and that can be very costly). By automating support with AI, we are able to reduce human costs and pass on the savings to you, the business owners.
Unlimited users. Theres is no limit to how many users that can use the system. Beacon knows that business don't want to pay extra license for extra users when you grow. That is why we don't charge extra.
No installation required. Beacon is a all cloud system. You just need to login to our system using your web browser. Everything is store and backup in the cloud. No more headaches with software installation and hardware issue. Just make sure you have you an internet connection is ok.
We combine full-set accounting, billing/invoicing, inventory, production and payroll into one software so SMEs can enjoy it all within one system, unlimited users, awesome support and at one fixed price. You can't get any better deal elsewhere.
Our pricing is subscription-based. The reason for that is we take care of the support, IT maintenance of servers, backups, security, etc so that you can save on your monthly expenses and headache for all these things. Our subscription is only a fraction of what it could cost you to maintain your own IT infrastructure.
We have successfully done it for some of our clients. If you're taking up the Pro plan and have more than 10 companies, reach out to us for consultation and we will work closely with you through the details of your requirements.
Partnerships are limited as we prefer to protect the interests of our partners to be mutually beneficial and profitable together. There is a process to go through in order to qualify and become a Beacon Partner. Click here for more information.
Copyright © 2019 Beacon Business Automation. All Rights Reserved.
Cloud accounting and cloud payroll modules are included in all plans.